Monday, June 11, 2012

Dizzy Hearts Story

As you no doubt have read, or not read. Dizzy Hearts is somewhat postponed. It's in limbo as the past year I have had trouble getting people to commit to working on the story. And have had to do a large part of the work by myself. Though understandably, a lot of this is new territory, and things I’ve had to learn myself. Part of it is. I've not found many who'd desired to inquire further about the story. To listen to what I have to say. I've said before a few times. But the writing for Dizzy Hearts as a whole is complete. And all that's left, and what's arguably the hardest to do, is the scenario planning, and then the paths layouts.

But here's the thing.

A few months ago I had a revelation. When getting some very useful critique, I realized that going through several paths. Some of which were not entirely story relevant would only serve to dilute the story. So what do I do? I'm only one person, who is arguably more obsessed with this project then one should be. Realistically anyone else would have canceled it and let it blow over, never to be heard from again. If they had seen the deafening lack of interest as I have had.

But I stuck to it, maybe selfishly. Because I believe it's a good idea. It's a good story. Just that no one, not one person, has ever heard me explain it.

I'll explain in what I can some redesigns about Dizzy Hearts, what I can without giving away too many things about the characters. You've seen the new Mercilia, some characters are changing, some small, some big. As I grow as an artist and become better I have to redesign things to keep in touch with that.

  • Dizzy Hearts is set in an unnamed realm/world separated from each other by the sun and moon. One side is always facing the sun, and the other, is always facing the moon.

  • The MC is from the side facing the sun, a people that live underground and are used to harsh, desert climates. Because of this, she has to leave home in order to 'reach adult hood'

  • The MC is still a girl. 

  • The MC is very basically exploring, and helps the cast throughout the story. as she realizes a few secrets about their past, about their personality. And the causes of their issues. As she follows the main story line. But does not have her own deep problems, or issues she must deal with so her characterization is intentionally limited and "self-insert"y.

  • The story takes place in the moonlit world.

  • The story is the telling, from the MC's perspective, how she meets Mercilia, her adventures, and her 'becoming more of an adult'

  • The major path of the VN is told in sub-sections called blocks. To reach the next block you have to follow the story of other characters in the VN. 

  • Each side-character path, influences the main story differently, but they themselves do not have their own path. In a sense. They will have more of a sub path, and by following it, you are able to help them and influence the central blocks.

  • You are not fixated into one side-character's path, but you will be prompted naturally by the dialogue, and your choices influence who you meet next. And what happens with them. But certain endings are only available by following the path in a certain way. 

  • Dizzy Hearts will not be strictly Eroge, but will feature optional tasteful adult scenes. But nonetheless, the sexual theme and 'adult reality' of the VN is a large driving point for certain parts of the storyline.

  • The "Fiore" futanari angle is still a part of this, where in certain characters. In a sexual culture, deal with problems. Not strictly related to graphic sexual content, but mature themes in general.

Please, if you at all have any interest, please do not hesitate to contact me via email:

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